Love Language – New EP, “Indian Cowboy”

     Artloft Media joined up-and-coming, indie rock band Love Language after their show at Bar le Ritz on March 27th. They found themselves opening up for American bands Nitefire and Enumclaw. This keen and quirky group has recently released their second EP, boasting the new hella catchy single “Indian Cowboy”. In our green room interview they talk inspirations, writing process and also about their brand new music video.

     Leading lady Tashiina Buswa has a bashfulness about her, but as soon as the song fires up, so does she. Her energy on stage is matched with guitar player Billy Riley, who is quite constantly wilding out and often messing with his other band mates, bass player Lucas CA and drummer Lan Thockchom. They have a playful nature while performing live, and witnessing their fun makes watching their show all the more fun.

     Have a gander at their new music video, directed by Sasha Khalimonova (aka Sasha Cay). The song speaks on her First Nations heritage and how she has always “lived in two worlds; with the duality […] of being indigenous and connecting to that side of you, at the same time as always being told to be ‘white'”. 

     Come enjoy their next live show, May 7th at L’Escogriffe Bar, or you can check out both of their EPs “Trying to Reach You” and “Indian Cowboy” on all music streaming services. You can even check out their Bandcamp and buy their tracks if you wanna support them!  

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