The latest short film from Montreal filmmaker Mark Jessop takes looks at how society organizes itself and how its value structure can be easily altered. Produced by Rue Barrée Films and shot in Montreal’s Plateau neighbourhood over Fall 2021 and Spring 2022, The Disguise tells the story of a homeless man, played by Max Lavigne who’s downward luck hits a new low on Halloween night. His further misfortune leads to unintended consequences that reveal much about the society from which he’s been outcast. The fourteen-minute feature was made on a shoestring budget and relied on making the best use of what was around. The cast and crew were interchangeable. One minute in front of the lens, the next, operating the sound. Playing costume designer one moment, holding a light the next. The Disguise is a testament to what an idea can be, realized with friends and determination.
Watch the full film here.
A few shots from behind the lens compliments of Jeanne Rouzes @fre.edomphotography